Soon to be full time adult.

Graduation is 32 days away. I have not applied to grad school. I have no jobs lined up. I still work part-time as a waitress at a mediocre restaurant. Oh, and I graduate next month. I’m just silently freaking out on the inside. I know things will be okay. I must continue to reassure myself. I do have to take action though. I can’t allow time to pass by without setting the goals I want for myself. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Nonetheless, I am proud of myself thus far. I started college straight out of high school and kept pushing forward. Now, here I am so close to that diploma. This will be a major achievement for myself and that alone makes me happy.  It will be a challenge in choosing my next direction, but with my continued effort and perseverance, I have this in the bag.

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